Eight years ago, fate brought Dixie and Nicole together on a journey to unite like-minded women. Their shared core values and passion have led them to create a space for women to nurture both their inner and outer selves.
Tribe serves as a haven for women to enhance their physical appearance and embrace their individuality, while Nicole's expertise as a physic, medium, and mentor offers a sanctuary for inner reflection and transformation. Together, they provide a holistic approach to wellness, by helping women cultivate a belief in their abilities and potential, fostering a sense of self-worth and personal development while aligning their actions and choices with their true selves, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
By combining Dixie's expertise in beauty and inspiration with Nicole's guidance in prioritizing a sense of purpose has united them in creating monthly full moon circles, offering a sanctuary for women to discover inner peace and sisterhood.
Under the luminous full moon, join our monthly gatherings to connect with like-minded women. Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of the night as we engage in meditation, journaling, and deep contemplation. Let go of what weighs you down and embrace the expansive possibilities of self-discovery.
to be continued..
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